Friday, March 11, 2011


Kia Ora!

We had a good week! Had Zone Conference this week! And then we had Zone Council right after that with Elder Callistar of the Seventy, then we were invited to go to the stake presidents' and bishops' meeting with two of the Seventy. It was really good! I learned heaps!! For example, Elder Callistar talked to the Zone Leaders about using the doctrine of principles with your missionaries. So I learned that that's exactly what my parents did with me growing up... Example:
"Can I be out after 12?"
"Well son, does anything good happen after 12?"
"So then you know the answer."
Anyway, I've been applying the principle thing with the missionaries and it works!!! So I know why my parents did some of the things they did, lol!

Tesi came to church yesterday! She LOVED IT!!!! She said that she was waking up throughout the night because she was so excited. She was just loving it! So she is looking good to be baptized on the 19th!! Stoked about that.... Alvina didn't come, super disappointing. And Nia, well she can't be baptized this month, hoping for next month! This area you just really have to work hard so we need some serious prayers that we can still find people that can be baptized!!!!

It's starting to get cold! New Zealand is weird. One day it is hot and over night the season can change. We've only had two maybe three good months of summer which is so short! So I'm hoping that it won't be too cold of winter...

Transfers is this week!!! I'm hoping that Elder Christiansen stays!!! We get along so good! So here's to hoping!

It was somewhat of a slow week! But hoping that God will bless us more this week!!!!


Elder Belnap

1 comment:

  1. Heey Elder Belnap. LOL its been such along time since we have caught up, but me and Chrystal are just officaly stalking our elders blogs, then we thought how about our old elders and we thought of you, cmu! So yeea it seems that you have been GREAT! All of us have been amazing. We have 8 pairs of elders in our small little region of Gisborne.Our elders are Elder Tautuiarki and Elder Burton. We also have couple missionarys called Sister and Elder Goubler. They are fantastic and we love them. The Maats family have been great and so has my sister, Natalia. Our youth has growen bigger and we love eachother like nothing. Our total of youth is now 19 girls and 23 boys. Its great. I hope your well and keeping safe. Get back to us.
    Keep the commandments and stay true to the gospel. And i say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amene.
